Dunman Secondary School Choir, a 100+ strong SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) chorale group in Singapore, comprises of singers between the age of 13 and 17. Led by her resident choral director, Mr Toh Ban Sheng, DmnChoir has built up a reputation of winning Gold Awards at both national as well as international choral competitions and is one of the top school choirs in Singapore. Since her formation in 1994, DmnChoir has never stopped looking forward and has grown by leaps and bounds, clinching a total of 6 Gold Awards (2 Gold with Honors) at the bi-annual Singapore Youth Festival Central Judging and Choral Competitions. In 1997, DmnChoir became the first neighborhood school choir to clinch the Gold medal at the SYF Choral Competition. In 2003, DmnChoir forged another milestone in her young history by winning a Gold medal in an international competition held in Prague. In 2007, DmnChoir took another step in success by achieving Gold (with Honors) for SYF 2007, making her the first performing arts group in the history of Dunman to achieve the prestigious Gold (with Honors) award. Altogether, DmnChoir has achieved 2 Gold (with Honors), 4 Golds and 1 Silver for the bi-annual SYF Central Judging and Choral Competitions; 2 Silvers for the SYF Music and Dance Presentations in 1997 and 1999; and 4 Golds in bi-annual international competitions since 2003. The choir has also performed extensively both locally as well as overseas, venturing from Australia and New Zealand to countries further afield in Europe (UK, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia). DmnChoir continues to look forward to an exciting journey of making excellent choral music with her choristers and choral director.
The choir aims to cultivate every individual member into mature and responsible people as they pursue their studies in Dunman Secondary School. To achieve this goal, the choir organizes many activities in June and December to promote teamwork and leadership skills. Through all these camps, competitions and challenges, choir members learn many new skills, which are essential for their growth and development as an individual. Through such activities, our students learn to have a strong sense of duty and responsibility.
Adapted from www.freewebs.com/dunman_sec_choir/ and http://dunmansec.egenie.org/home/cca/performing arts.htm