
Thursday, November 13, 2008


Finally the skin is done!

Well, I spent a few weeks on it initially, for the school website competition thingy.

They said they'd upload it eventually, and I wonder when "eventually" is. Hmm...

So anyway, tired of waiting, I decided to just transfer everything to a Blogger account!

Not as easy as it seems hor!

So after two days, it's done!


Will be looking to y'all to update often hor!

I've told most of the current SLs the account details, so if anyone wants it, ask them.

And if you wanna modify any part of the skin, please inform me before hand. This was hard work hor!

Okay, I know this skin very opiang. Hahaha.

But nice lor! (buay hiao bai!)


The Links section is under construction. If you wanna be linked, please leave a tag at the tagboard.

Anyone with Dunman Choir media (pics, vids or audio) please upload them into a blog post, Imeem, Youtube or Photobucket.

DmnChoir Photobucket details are with me, please ask if you want them.

Okay, so that's all.

Cheers to DmnChoir!

Paul MJ.


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